外来品期权定价与高级Levy模型EXOTIC OPTION PRICING AND ADVANCED LéVY MODELS mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

》外来品期权定价与高级Levy模型EXOTIC OPTION PRICING AND ADVANCED LéVY MODELS电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9780470016848
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2005-12
  • 页数:344
  • 价格:1017.90
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
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Since around the turn of the millennium there has been a general acceptance that one of the more practical improvements one may make in the light of the shortfalls of the classical Black–Sc***s model is to replace the underlying source of randomness, a Brownian motion, by a Lévy process. Working with Lévy processes allows one to capture desirable distributional characteristics in the stock returns. In addition, recent work on Lévy processes has led to the understanding of many probabilistic and ***ytical properties, which make the processes attractive as mathematical tools. At the same time, exotic derivatives are gaining increasing importance as financial instruments and are traded nowadays in large quantities in O*** markets. The current volume is a compendium of chapters, each of which c***ists of discursive review and recent research on the topic of exotic option pricing and advanced Lévy markets, written by leading scientists in this field.

作者简介:ANDREAS KYPRIANOU has a degree in Mathematics from Oxford University and a PhD in Probability Theory from Sheffield University. He has held academic positi*** in Mathematics and Statistics departments at The London School of Economics, Edinburgh University, Utrecht University and, currently, Heriot Watt University. He has also worked for nearly two years as a research mathematician with Shell International Exploration and Production. His research interests are focused on pure and applied probability with recent focus on Lévy processes. He has taught a range of courses on Probability Theory, Stochastic Analysis, Financial Stochastics and Lévy Processes for the Amsterdam-Utrecht Masters programme in Stochastics and Financial Mathematics and the MSc programme in Financial Mathematics at Edinburgh.




About the Editors

About the Contributors

1 Levy Processes in Finance Distinguished by their Coarse and Fine Path Properties Andreas EKyprianou and RLoeffen

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Levy Processes

1.3 Examples of Levy Processes in finance

1.4 Path properties

1.5 Examples revisited

1.6 Conclusi***


2 Simulation Methods with Levy Processes Nick Webber

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Modelling price and rate movements

2.3 A basis for a numerical approach

2.4 C***tructing bridges for Levy Processes

2.5 Valuing discretely reset path-dependant opti***

2.6 Valuing continuously reset path-dependent opti***

2.7 Conclusi***

3 Risks in Returns: A Pure Jump Perspective Helyette Geman and Dilip BMadan

3.1 Introduction

3.2 C***Y model details

3.3 Estimation details

3.4 Estimation results

3.5 Conclusi***


4 Model Risk for Exotic and Moment Derivatives Wim Schoutens, Erwin Sim*** and Jurgen Tistaert

4.1 Introduction

4.2 The models

4.3 Calibration

4.4 Simulation

4.5 Pricing of exotic opti***

4.6 Pricing of moment derivatives

4.7 Conclusi***


5 Symmetries and Pricing of Exotic Opti*** in Levy Models Ernst Eberlein and Antonis Papapantoleon

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Model and assumpti***

5.3 General description of the method

5.4 Vanilla opti***

5.5 Exotic opti***

5.6 Margrabe-type opti***


6 Static Hedging of Asian Opti*** Under Stochastic Volatility Models using Fast Fourier Transform Hansj*** Albrecher and Wim Schoutens

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Stochastic volatility models

6.3 Static hedging of Asian opti***

*** Numerical Implementation

6.5 Numerical illustrati***

6.6 A model-independent static super-hedge

6.7 Conclusi***


7 Impact of Market Crises on Real Opti*** Pauline Barrieu and Nadine Bellamy

7.1 IOntroduction

7.2 The model

7.3 The real option characteristics

7.4 Optimal discount rate and average waiting time

7.5 Robustness of the inverstment decision characters

7.6 Contiuos models versus discontinuous model

7.7 Conclusi***


8 Moment Derivatives and Levy-type Market Completion Jose Manuel Corcuera, David Nualart and Wim Schoutens

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Market completuion in the descrete-time setting

8.3 The Levy market

8.4 Enlarging the Levy market model

8.5 Arbitrage

8.6 Optimal portfolios


9 Pricing Perpetual American Opti*** Driven by Spectrally One-sided Levy Processes Terence Chan

9.1 Introduction

9.2 First-passage distributi*** and other results for spectrally positive Levy

9.3 Description of the model, basic definiti*** and notati***

9.4 A renewal equation approach to pricing

9.5 Explicit pricing formulae for American puts

9.6 Some specific examples

Appendix: use of fast fourier transform



Further references

10 On Asian Opti*** of American Type Goran Peskir and Nadia Uys

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Formulation of the problem

10.3 The result and proof

10.4 Remarks on numerics



11 Why be Backward? Forward Equati*** for American Opti*** Peter Carr and Ali Hirsa

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Reveiw of the backward free boundary problem

11.3 Stationarity and domain extension in the maturity direction

11.4 Additivity and domain extension in the strike direction

11.5 The forward free boundary problem

11.6 Summary and future research

Appendix: Discretization of forward equation for American opti***


12 Numerical Valuation of American Opti*** Under the C***Y Process Ariel Almendral

12.1 Introduction

12.2 The C***Y process as a Levy process

12.3 Numerical Valuation of the American C***Y price

12.4 Numerical experiments

Appendix: Analytic formula for European option prices


13 Convertible Bonds: Financial Derivatives of Game Type Jan Kallsen and Christoph Kuhn

13.1 Introduction

13.2 No-arbitrage pricing for game contigent claims

13.3 Convertible bonds

13.4 Conclusi***


14 The Spread Option Optimal Stopping Game Pavel VGapeev

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Formulation of the problem

14.3 Solution of the free-boundary problem

14.4 Main result and proof

14.5 Conclusi***













Since around the turn of the millennium there has been a general acceptance that one of the more practical improvements one may make in the light of the shortfalls of the classical Black-Sc***s model is to replace the underlying source of randomness, a Brownian motion, by a Levy process. Working with Levy processes allows one to capture desirable distributional characteristics in the stock returns. In addition, recent work on Levy processes has led to the understanding of many probabilistic and ***ytical properties, which make the processes attractive as mathematical tools. At the same time, exotic derivatives are gaining increasing importance as financial instruments and are traded nowadays in large quantities in O*** markets. The current volume is a compendium of chapters, each of which c***ists of discursive review and recent research on the topic of exotic option pricing and advanced Levy markets, written by leading scientists in this field. In recent years, Levy processes have leapt to the fore as a tractable mechanism for modeling asset returns. Exotic option values are especially sensitive to an accurate portrayal of these dynamics. This comprehensive volume provides a valuable service for financial researchers everywhere by assembling key contributi*** from the world's leading researchers in the field. Peter Carr, Head of Quantitative Finance, Bloomberg LP This book provides a front-row seat to the ***test new field in modern finance: opti*** pricing in turbulent markets. The old models have failed, as many a professional investor can sadly attest. So many of the brightest minds in mathematical finance across the globe are now in search of new, more accurate models. Here, in one volume, is a comprehensive selection of this cutting-edge research. Richard L. Hudson, former Managing Editor of The Wall Street Journal Europe, and co-autho***ith Benoit B. Mandelbrot of The (Mis)Behaviour of Markets: A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin and Reward


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